FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that any training can be a significant investment for any business, which is why we have provided answers to our most frequently asked questions below in order to help you decide why Coaching Pacific and the EOCC programme is the best choice for your people and your business

What are Coaching Pacific’s Vision and objectives for the EOCC?

Our vision is to build coaching capability, developing new levels of self-awareness and self-responsibility to coaches, organisations, coachees, colleagues and clients – resulting in more satisfying and productive lives.
Our objectives are that you complete the programme as a well-trained and competent coach, who understands and applies the Ethics and Professional Standards of coaching; with well developed self-awareness and self-responsibility.

What are the biggest take-aways from this programme?

You will learn to coach both formally and informally and be able to apply these skills as a professional coach or as a leader. You will earn a Coaching Pacific Executive and Organisational Coaching Certificate. You will take away a skill set and an ability to deepen and improve all of your functional relationships – with coachees, clients, colleagues and leaders. You will improve your understanding of yourself and you will know yourself better as a learner. You will have a deepened level of understanding of all aspects of change at a personal, professional and organisational level. 

And everyone is different! You will define your own intentions for the programme, which will include your definitions of a successful training for you. The coaching skill set includes a mastery of communication skills; your listening will deepen, your speaking will become clearer, more committed and succinct. You will learn and experience the benefits of empowering your coachees to become solutions focused and more self-directed.

How many hours of the EOCC are student/trainer contact hours?

Student/Trainer contact hours are 54 hours. The programme offers 67.5 hours in total which can be counted when using the LEVEL 1 pathway for credentialing with ICF. We appreciate that working your way through the credentialing process can raise questions and we are always happy to answer these for our participants.

What is the EOCC based on?

It uses the International Coach Federation Core Competency framework as a backbone, and uses aspects from positive psychology and neuroscience to bring all of the simple models and Competencies alive. It is also based on our years of successfully coaching people within organisations, the experience training leaders as coaches and career executive coaches.

What value is the Coaching Pacific Executive and Organisational Coaching Certificate to me?

The team at Coaching Pacific comprise credible and vastly experienced coaches, trainers and facilitators. Our founders, Andy and Mary, are fully accredited ICF coaches and you can understand more about their and the team’s experience here. This is an internationally approved programme by the ICF (International Coaching Federation), meaning your training provides you with the necessary Approved Coach Specific Training Hours (LEVEL 1) to support your application to gain an internationally recognised qualification that will benefit you both professionally and personally.

As a LEVEL 1 provider, the EOCC now contains 7 of the 10 mentoring hours required to further your ICF application. And Coaching Pacific are now also approved to be your coach recording assessors, for the ICF required coaching session recording, when you are nearing the time to put in your application to the ICF.
What are the benefits to me of this focus on ICF?

The ICF is the largest coach membership organisation in the world (55,000 + members). ICF has a long established code of ethics and practice and it maintains a rigorous and well respected credentialing programme. ICF is actively building professional and collaborative relationships with other large coaching membership organisations as the profession of Coaching builds momentum as a recognised professional industry. Have a look on www.coachfederation.org

Can I complete the programme in less time because I am experienced?

We have worked with a number of very experienced coaches. As a coach you will know that as we achieve mastery of skills and processes we uncover the next rung of a ladder of excellence which opens us up as learners again and invites us to learn more, get better, and find the next level. We will work with you from wherever you are already up to. Our feedback will be robust, challenging and supportive of your best possible outcomes.

What else is required to obtain my ACC credential from ICF?

The other requirements for ACC are 10 hours of Mentor Coaching of which 7 hours are now included in the EOCC, 100 logged hours of actual coaching, a recording and transcript of your coaching and the successful completion of an online Coach Knowledge Exam. We expect that with commitment, planning and focus you can achieve this within 12 months. We are here to support you on this journey and we provide the Mentor Coaching to support you on this as a separate programme.

Want to know more or talk with a member of our team? Get in touch

If you would like to know more about the EOCC programme and how it could work for your people and business, please contact us via the form below and a member of the team will get back to you and we will also send you a copy of our EOCC brochure.